Video-assisted minimally invasive cardiac surgery (VACS) has a long history. The technique has been performed since the mid-1990s and was developed to avoid complete sternotomy, to reduce trauma and pain in the immediate postoperative period. Compared to the conventional surgical approach, standardized minimally invasive cardiac surgery techniques have shown growing evidence of similar or better results (MORAZ et al., 2015).

The literature has reported that the advantages of the MICS technique are: less pain; early mobilization; less blood loss; shorter mechanical ventilation time; shorter ICU and hospital stay; lower risk of infection; early recovery and return to daily activities; cosmetically better; less trauma in reoperations; better visualization. The disadvantages pointed out were: stricter criteria for patient selection; need for training/expertise; risk of vascular complications; and risk of phrenic nerve injury (EL-BOGHDADLY, CHIN, CHAN, 2017).

In this sense, surgeons have been trained for a short period of time, and there is still no standardization of resources or minimum workload for the training and qualification of professionals in the field. There are cases in which the results are questionable in terms of complications and morbidities, and the studies weaken the learning curve (STEFANIDIS, 2010).

The practice of Cardiovascular Surgery involves situations inherent to the specialty, with training in cardiac arrest induction and myocardial preservation, mastery of assisted circulation and cardiocirculatory support, central vascular accesses for positioning perfusion cannulas, perfusion control of noble organs (brain, kidneys, viscera), encompassing concepts and specific training in circulatory and respiratory physiology, endovascular techniques, vascular surgery, in addition to the obvious previous training in the correction of heart diseases in general. We must also develop knowledge and skills in the use of optics and video surgery techniques that were not previously part of the cardiovascular surgeon's conventional training.

Training in Minimally Invasive Cardiovascular Surgery needs to be made available and improved so that more surgeons in Brazil have access to the platforms and are better qualified to incorporate these new technologies.

Although it doesn't benefit most patients, its use in the most complex cases should bring significant benefits. It must be considered that Minimally Invasive Cardiovascular Surgery will continue to develop and its benefits should continue to grow as professionals, institutions and patients gain access to the technology, in order to develop further studies of the techniques and analysis of the positive and negative impacts.

In this sense, it will be possible to implement a communication and information system that promotes self-development and broadens the social commitment of health workers; to encourage and value teamwork and participation in continuing education processes; to promote Ambience, understood as a physical, social, professional and interpersonal environment that must be related to a health project focused on welcoming, resolutive and humane care.

Lato Sensu course recognized by the Ministry of Education (MEC)

Contains 6 modules Total workload of 360h

Online lectures, live surgeries in person, and hands-on practical classes in person

Hands-on practice on live models and simulators

Mentors who are references in their fields

An even more complete program, with more live surgeries




Concept, Practice & Immersive Environment


The training is theoretical and practical in order to get to know the workings and components of the technological platform to be used in surgery.

All face-to-face training will involve the use of:

- Simulation center and in the operating room, focusing on normal operation and problem solving.

- Complementary pre-clinical training that will involve the development of motor skills based on simulation of the surgical techniques that are the focus of the training.

- Surgical techniques will also be combined with the observation of surgical cases, giving the student experience as an assistant in procedures, as well as carrying out procedures in training and under supervision.

- All these steps will be overseen by a preceptor surgeon with extensive practical experience and consolidated knowledge in the technical area being trained.

Classes will take place as follows:

- Theoretical classes given by leading professionals in the field, and presentation of live surgeries with discussion of clinical cases.

- Practical training on living and inanimate models.


12 months duration

Total workload of 360 hours

6 face-to-face modules

Theoretical-practical classes, hands-on practical classes, working groups and discussion of papers.

Live Surgeries

Exchange of experiences and interaction with experts in the operating room for better learning

International Expert Connection

Classes with leading international experts in cardiovascular surgery




Módulo 1: Cardiopatias Congênitas - 14 a 16 de Fevereiro

Datas: 14 a 16 de Fevereiro de 2025

To review knowledge of the anatomy of the right atrium and atrial septum by videothoracoscopic access and the indications for cardiac video surgery ; Anatomy of the tricuspid valve and indications for treatment by cardiac video surgery; Access and planning of surgical procedures; Presentation of clinical cases and discussion of indications and contraindications; Most frequent complications and solutions to risk situations in right atrium surgery; Minimally invasive tricuspid valve repair techniques.

Módulo 2: Válvula Mitral e Tricuspide - 25 a 27 de Abril

Datas: 25 a 27 de Abril de 2025

To broaden the approach to the surgical anatomy of the left atrium by videothoracoscopic mini-access and the indications for Mitral cardiac video surgery; Anatomy of the Mitral valve and indications for treatment by cardiac video surgery; Access and planning of left atrial surgical procedures; Presentation of clinical cases and discussion of indications and contraindications for Video-assisted Mitral surgery; Most frequent complications and solutions for risk situations in Mitral Valve surgery; Particular techniques for minimally invasive Mitral valve repair.

Módulo 3: Válvula Aórtica - 27 a 29 de Junho

Datas: 27 a 29 de Junho de 2025

Reavaliar a anatomia cirúrgica e radiológica da aorta ascendente e da valva aórtica por mini acesso videotoracoscópico e as indicações de videocirurgia cardíaca Aórtica; Anatomia da valva aórtica e Indicações de tratamento por videocirurgia cardíaca; Acessos e planejamentos dos procedimentos cirúrgicos da aorta e da válvula aórtica; Apresentação de casos – clínicos e discussão de indicações e contra indicações da cirurgia aórtica Videoassistida; Complicações mais frequentes e soluções de situações de risco na cirurgia da Válvula Aórtica; Técnicas particulares de correção valvar aórtica minimamente invasivas.

Módulo 4: Simpósio Internacional - 28 a 31 de Agosto

Datas: 28 a 31 de Agosto de 2025


In this module we will be offering a unique experience of living with the greatest international authorities in MICS, who will be on our premises giving courses in specific surgical techniques, which will be offered to the participants.

We will also have lunches with the experts, a unique opportunity to network with renowned international colleagues.

The Symposium, which the students will automatically be part of, will be the largest minimally invasive cardiac surgery event held in Brazil, covering all current topics in heart valve surgery, coronary surgery and atrial fibrillation surgery, whether using a video-assisted, endoscopic or robotic approach.

We will also have live surgeries and interactive discussions with all the participants.

We hope that surgical modalities, especially robotics, can show a future path to further improvements for everyone.

Módulo 5: Arritmias Cardíacas - 24 a 26 de Outubro

Datas: 24 a 26 de Outubro de 2025


We aim to introduce the concepts and minimally invasive techniques used in the treatment of electrical heart disease, covering the possibilities of cardiac stimulation of the left ventricle and especially the approach to minimally invasive treatment of Atrial Fibrillation, presenting new devices for excluding the left atrial appendage and cryo ablation techniques.

We also discussed the association of these procedures with mitral and tricuspid valve diseases, as well as hybrid treatment in conjunction with the Arrhythmia team, surgeon, electrophysiologist and clinical cardiologist

Módulo 6: Revascularização do Miocardio - 05 a 07 de Dezembro de 2025

Datas: 05 a 07 de Dezembro de 2025

Train and expand strategies for the future of Surgery; Minimally Invasive Cardiovascular assisted by robot; Present scientific papers - Capstone - optional; Participate in FELLOW - optional


As selection criteria, out of a maximum of 100 points, we will evaluate:

• Inscrição a partir da data de 29/10/2024 = 5 Pontos
• Pagamento da taxa de matrícula = 15 pontos
• Currículo (realizações gerais na carreira médica) = 40 pontos
• Carta motivacional (potencial de impacto do curso na sua carreira) = 40 pontos.

Course approval follows the following criteria and requirements:

- Concept "B" in the general assessment
- 75% class attendance

Student Profile

Medical residents with proven experience in Cardiovascular Surgery

Fully trained cardiovascular surgeons.


Mentoring with the biggest names in the field

Practical and intensive training on simulators and live models

Exclusive theoretical content

Program focused on exchanging scientific experiences with mentors

Realistic simulation in an experimental operating room

Extensive exposure to real surgical routine


Good evening, my name is Frederico Nunes, I've been a cardiovascular surgeon for about 30 years and I'm having the pleasant surprise of being able to be introduced to MICS, which is minimally invasive cardiovascular surgery. It's a very broad, complete course that makes us change our mindset about how we can proceed in surgeries from now on and we are being very well trained both from a theoretical point of view and from a practical point of view so that we can put minimally invasive surgery into practice in our services, in this case I'm a surgeon in the south of Minas Gerais.

Cardiovascular Surgeon in São Paulo

Hello, I'm Dr. Ricardo Gonzales, I'm from the city of Assis in São Paulo, I'm a postgraduate student in Minimally Invasive Cardiovascular Surgery, today we're here at our fourth meeting and these last few weekends have really been fantastic from a training point of view for us, there are new things, new paradigms that we're breaking here and it really has been a fantastic experience.

Dr. Ricardo Gonzales

Cardiovascular Surgeon in Assis - SP

Hello, my name is Lucas, I'm a student at Scolla, on the Postgraduate course in Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery, and I've really noticed that this course has been very useful, especially in terms of theory and practice, above all because of the knowledge imparted by the professors, not only the coordinators but also the guest professors, in addition, the structure that is being provided here has been impressive, especially from the point of view of practice, the infrastructure of the group, which is providing us with an interaction between theoretical content and practical content, associated with this, I have seen that the networking between colleagues has been extremely fruitful, since among the classmates we have people from various states, from various backgrounds, so this interaction between the class has been very important, especially in terms of acquiring knowledge and also in terms of the experience gained and the exchange of experiences, given that within the training center we're in, the Scolla group and the city of Curitiba, this is providing us with a great deal of knowledge, I see that this has been extremely important and within our specialty minimally invasive cardiac surgery has been and I think it will be a watershed because with this opportunity for knowledge we will be able to offer patients a better quality of treatment with a faster recovery and a better quality of life after the procedure, consequently increasing the patient's portfolio of care and treatment.

Dr. Lucas Duraes Pena

Cardiovascular Surgeon in Barbacena - MG


R$ 6.200,00 (no ato da inscrição) +
13 parcelas de R$ 5.600,00 (após aprovação no processo seletivo)

Total: R$ 79.000,00*

To take part in the selection process:

Realize seu cadastro e o pagamento clicando no botão
“Quero Me Inscrever Agora”.
Logo após, envie seu currículo e carta motivacional para o e-mail
[email protected].

O retorno sobre aprovação pode acontecer até 15 dias antes do início das aulas. Após a sua aprovação, informada pela secretaria do curso, sua vaga somente estará garantida mediante a efetivação da matrícula, que consiste na confirmação do plano de pagamento e assinatura de contrato.
Caso você não seja aprovado, será realizado o estorno da taxa de matrícula.







Thank you! We'll be in touch shortly.

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Payment Brazil

R$ 6.200,00 no PIX

Other countries

R$ 6.200,00
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