There is currently a boom in demand for bariatric surgery performed by laparoscopy. These techniques are considered the route of choice for most surgical procedures. Patients opt for this type of procedure because it is less invasive, safer and faster post-operatively. The course is aimed at fully understanding the bariatric patient in all their complexity and dimensions. It presents a common core of understanding, debates and adjustments of visions between surgeons and the multidisciplinary team, as well as improving the various surgical techniques, treatment of complications, revision surgeries, bariatric endoscopy and future perspectives in the treatment of morbid obesity. Well-trained surgeons can change the life story of metabolic patients, adding time and quality to their lives. This also results in lower costs for the public and private health systems, less absenteeism, and lower health costs and early retirements. Theoretical/practical training in Minimally Invasive Bariatric Surgery is therefore fully justified, focusing on the day-to-day work of bariatric and metabolic surgeons, with theoretical classes with leading national specialists. Exhaustive training in animal laboratory and dry-lab techniques, participation in live surgeries and monitoring of the routine of big names in bariatric and metabolic surgery in Curitiba and São Paulo, during an internship in which students will be able to answer all their questions.

Lato Sensu course recognized by the Ministry of Education (MEC)

Contains 6 modules Total workload of 360h

Online lectures, live surgeries in person, and hands-on practical classes in person

Hands-on practice on live models and simulators

Mentors who are references in their fields




Concept, Practice & Immersive Environment


The training is theoretical and practical in order to get to know the workings and components of the technological platform to be used in surgery.

All face-to-face training will involve the use of:

  • Simulation center and in the operating room, focusing on normal operation and problem solving.
  • Complementary pre-clinical training that will involve the development of motor skills based on simulation of the surgical techniques that are the focus of the training.
  • Surgical techniques will also be combined with the observation of surgical cases, giving the student experience as an assistant in procedures, as well as carrying out procedures in training and under supervision.
  • All these steps will be overseen by a preceptor surgeon with extensive practical experience and consolidated knowledge in the technical area being trained.

Classes will take place as follows:

  • EAD lectures given by leading professionals in the field, presentation of live surgeries and discussion of clinical cases.
  • Practical training on living and inanimate models.
  • Observational internship, which provides experience with the real routine of the Minimally Invasive Surgery service.
Hybrid Module Activity Day of the week Schedule Type Daily
Module Total


Lectures 2nd to 4th 19:00 a 22:00 Online 3 9 9 36
Live Surgeries 8:00 a 18:00 In person 10 10 10 40
Hands-on practical classes Saturday and Sunday 8:00 a 18:00 In person 10 20 20 80
Analysis and Evaluation of Recorded Surgeries Free free Online 9 9 9 36
Entrepreneurship and Medical Career Management Module Theoretical Classes To be determined to be determined Online To be determined To be determined 52 52
Supervised Internship Surgery follow-up 2nd to 6th 8:00 a 17:00 In person 8 40 80 80
Complementary Activities Reading Articles, Case Studies and Recorded Surgeries Free free Online Free Free 9 36



6 months duration

Total workload of 360 hours, divided into 280 hours of theoretical and practical activities and 80 hours of supervised internship.

4 hybrid modules of 57h/y each

Face-to-face workload

10h/a of live surgery
20h/a of hands-on practice

Online workload

9h/a of live theoretical classes
9h of analysis/evaluation of advanced surgeries
9h of reading articles and studying cases

Supervised internship

80 hours of observational internship with the course coordinators

Entrepreneurship and medical career management

With a workload of 52 hours, the subject is taught entirely online




Module 1: Overview of bariatric and metabolic surgery

Date: March 24-30, 2025
Online classes: March 24, 25 and 26, 2025
Face-to-face classes: March 28, 29 and 30, 2025 at Scolla

- Scolla presentation and course
- What is the minimum hospital structure for bariatric and metabolic surgery?
- The bariatric surgery job market - is there room for new bariatric surgeons?
- The psychological aspects of obesity and the importance of the psychologist in the multi-professional team
- Nutritional aspects of obesity and the role of the nutritionist in the multi-professional team
- Initial non-operative management of overweight patients at high surgical risk
- When to indicate bariatric and metabolic surgery
- Pre-operative tests for bariatric surgery
- Step by step for authorization of bariatric surgery by health plans
- What laparoscopic equipment is needed for bariatric surgery?
- Ethical and legal aspects and informed consent in bariatric surgery
- Pre- and post-operative nutritional monitoring in bariatric surgery
- Pre-operative psychological preparation and post-operative follow-up in bariatric surgery and the indications for calling in a psychiatrist
- Anesthesia in bariatric surgery
- How to attract new patients and boost your bariatric surgery practice.

Module 2: Innovations in Bariatric Surgery

Date: May 14-20, 2025
Online classes: May 14, 15 and 16, 2025
Face-to-face classes: May 18, 19 and 20, 2025 at Scolla

- Choose your path in robotic surgery
- Innovative gastric balloons
- How to use new drugs to help bariatric results
- Social media without exaggeration, in good taste and generating good results
- What you need to know about the indication and technique of OAGB and SADIS
- What you need to know about the indication and technique of bipartitions
- New stapler and energy technologies ready for use
- Digital technology applied to weight loss and changing habits
- Innovative intragastric balloons - ia and iot at the service of weight loss
- Endoscopic techniques - state of the art
- Bariclip
- Innovations in remote bariatric mentoring
- Magnetic techniques - validation process
- Use of Indocyanine in reoperations

Módulo 3: 3º Simpósio Internacional - Cirurgia Bariátrica na Prática Diária Aprendizados e Experiência em Casos Reais

De 13 a 15 de junho de 2025 – na Scolla
– Complicações na Cirurgia Bariátrica: Diagnóstico, Tratamento e Avanços em Endoscopia Bariátrica
– Inovações e Avanços em Cirurgia Bariátrica: Transformando Práticas Clínicas
– Seleção e Manejo Integral de Pacientes Bariátricos
– Lições Aprendidas em Casos Reais: Desafios e Soluções Práticas
– Cirurgia Bariátrica e Metabólica: Impactos na Saúde e Qualidade de Vida
– A Importância da Equipe Multidisciplinar no Sucesso do Tratamento Bariátrico
– Novas abordagens para o tratamento: técnicas cirurgias, medicações e indicações dos especialistas

Module 4: Revision surgery, metabolic surgery and future surgical perspectives in the treatment of morbid obesity

Date: July 21-27, 2025
Online classes: July 21, 22 and 23, 2025
Face-to-face classes: July 25, 26 and 27, 2025 at Scolla

- Pathophysiology and diagnosis of type II diabetes
- Current clinical treatment and future prospects for diabetes treatment
- Preparing and monitoring patients for metabolic surgery
- When to indicate surgical treatment for type II diabetes
- Major current studies in favor of metabolic surgery
- Cardiovascular effects of obesity and the action of metabolic surgery
- The metabolic role of bile salts and intestinal microbiota
- Is there room for SADI-S / OAGB / Nissen-Sleeve?
- Revisional surgery for severe hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia after gastric bypass
- Pre- and post-operative endoscopic evaluation in metabolic surgery - what the surgeon needs to know.
- Women's health after bariatric and metabolic surgery
- How weight loss and diabetes control work after sleeve and bypass, during and after the first year of bariatric and metabolic surgery
- Step by step to organize a bariatric and metabolic surgery service through SUS
- How to organize a private service and authorize bariatric and metabolic surgeries through health insurance companies
- How to manage a private bariatric and metabolic surgery clinic.

Module 5: On-site supervised internship

Supervised internships are compulsory activities in which students are immersed in the routine of the surgical services in which the course coordinators and teachers work.

Module 6: Entrepreneurship and medical career management

This 100% online module aims to guide the career thinking of medical professionals in order to lay the foundations for career planning and entrepreneurship using design and planning tools with the structuring of scenarios and possible outcomes.


75% class attendance

Concept "C" in the general evaluation

Student Profile

Medical residents and general surgeons with proven experience in bariatric surgery.
Fully trained bariatric surgeons.


Mentoring with the biggest names in the field

Practical and intensive training on simulators and live models

Exclusive theoretical content

Program focused on exchanging scientific experiences with mentors

Realistic simulation in an experimental operating room

Extensive exposure to real surgical routine


Hello, I'm Naiara Portugal, I'm a general surgeon working in Manaus and I'm a student on the first Scolla Postgraduate course in Minimally Invasive Bariatric Surgery. This course was very important to me and I consider it to be a turning point in my career, not because I'm going to come out as a bariatric surgeon doing a lot of surgery, but because we were able to acquire the technical improvement we'll need in our practice, I believe that the course has given me a lot of confidence and broadened my possibilities within surgery. All the modules we're taking include the theoretical part, which we do in our cities during our day-to-day lives, and the trips we make to practical classes, which require planning, and when we get to the end of the course we see that it was very worthwhile because we arrived with much improved technical skills, both the practical part with the animals and the practical part in the Dry-Lab with the box help us a lot to gain the skills we need to perform our bariatric surgeries and that we also need in general surgery. The internship was wonderful because we were able to follow and see how the day-to-day works of a team that is already established in the market, which is Dr. Nassif's team, and to follow both the girls on the instrumentation team and to see the follow-up of patients from the time they are picked up in the office until the day of surgery, the whole process makes us open our horizon and see how not only the surgical technique applied in the operating room works, but also how the whole organization of having a multidisciplinary team works, the importance of this team acting and working together with the surgeon. I highly recommend the course to anyone who wants to improve their surgical technique and enter this very interesting area of Bariatrics.

Dr. Naiara from Portugal

General Surgeon in Manaus - AM

Hello, my name is Santiago Suarez, I'm from Ecuador, I came to the Postgraduate course in Minimally Invasive Bariatric Surgery in 2023, it's a highly recommended course, we have a lot of help from all the teachers, we always have a technical team and also high technology that allows us to perform the procedures with skill. The course is highly recommended because we meet different people, professionals, we have everything at hand and we have different new devices that allow us to perform our technique in the best way, we carry out training procedures on live animals and we help with surgical procedures. Dr. Santiago Suarez Dr. Santiago Suarez General Surgeon in Guayaquil - EC Hello, I'm Naiara Portugal, I'm a general surgeon working in Manaus and I'm a student in the first class of Scolla's Postgraduate Program in Minimally Invasive Bariatric Surgery. This course was very important to me and I consider it to be a turning point in my career, not because I'm going to come out as a bariatric surgeon doing a lot of surgery, but because we were able to acquire the technical improvement we'll need in our practice, I believe that the course has given me a lot of confidence and broadened my possibilities within surgery. All the modules we're taking include the theoretical part, which we do in our cities during our day-to-day lives, and the trips we make to practical classes, which require planning, and when we get to the end of the course we see that it was very worthwhile because we arrived with much improved technical skills, both the practical part with the animals and the practical part in the Dry-Lab with the box help us a lot to gain the skills we need to perform our bariatric surgeries and that we also need in general surgery. The internship was wonderful because we were able to follow and see how the day-to-day works of a team that is already established in the market, which is Dr. Nassif's team, and to follow both the girls on the instrumentation team and to see the follow-up of patients from the time they are picked up in the office until the day of surgery, the whole process makes us open our horizon and see how not only the surgical technique applied in the operating room works, but also how the whole organization of having a multidisciplinary team works, the importance of this team acting and working together with the surgeon. I highly recommend the course to anyone who wants to improve their surgical technique and enter this very interesting area of Bariatrics. Dr. Naiara Portugal Dr. Naiara Portugal General Surgeon from Manaus - AM Hello, my name is Santiago Suarez, I am from Ecuador, I came to the Postgraduate course in Minimally Invasive Bariatric Surgery in 2023, it is a very recommended course, we have a lot of help from all the teachers, we always have a technical team and also high technology that allows us to perform the procedures with skill. The course is highly recommended because we meet different people, professionals, we have everything at hand and we have different new devices that allow us to perform our technique in the best way, we carry out training procedures on live animals and we help with surgical procedures.

Dr. Santiago Suarez

General Surgeon of Guayaquil - EC

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