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The SCOLLA Method

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Two differentiating anchors of SCOLLA are its broad geographic presence and teaching focused on the improvement of procedures and techniques at the frontier of medical knowledge.

SCOLLA is present in 18 hospitals in 15 state capitals. The courses are focused on the improvement of procedures, techniques, and skills that are at the frontier of medical knowledge.

The classes are taught by professors who are references in their fields, surgeons who have achieved renown for their innovation and success rate.

The courses begin with the discussion of practical cases, drawn from the surgical experience of the professors, in person in some cases, online in others. The concepts allow the participants to keep up to date with the latest research and provide a scientific basis for their practice.

The live surgeries, broadcast to a small group of selected participants in each course, aim to demonstrate the decision making of the teacher who is performing the procedure, the sharing of its evolution allows the participant to understand the sequence of procedures and understand their decisions, incorporating new knowledge to their list of skills.

The hands-on practices, duly supported by SCOLLA's bioethics committee, made possible by professors of Veterinary Medicine, develop surgical practice in the most realistic simulation environment provided in medical education.

The Cadaver Lab practices offer the possibility to verify in loco the results of the interventions performed. The techniques of conservation and use of the anatomical pieces offer an impressive result perception to the participants.

In the practical classes, each student is accompanied individually, thus having the opportunity to exchange with their teachers, impressions about the development of their skills in the acquired procedure and about the market relationship developed by the teachers.

Finally, the evaluation process is conducted with the seriousness required by the course contents, and the approved participant carries the security of the developed competence.


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