Abdominal wall hernias are increasingly becoming an area of surgical practice. There have been many advances in recent years, from new anatomical knowledge, new surgical techniques and the increasing possibility of using minimally invasive routes (laparoscopy and robotics). The postgraduate course in abdominal wall hernias will provide the complete training necessary for clinical and surgical practice in the correction of abdominal wall defects. There will be 4 modules covering anatomical concepts of the abdominal wall, the main surgical techniques, inguinal hernias, ventral hernias, incisional hernias, lumbar hernias and hiatus hernias. Through modules with extensive delivery of theoretical content, interspersed with practical activities in live model, cadaver lab, use of various simulation platforms and immersion activities with monitoring and hands-on practice in cases in the operating room accompanied by teachers who are expert surgeons in the abdominal wall and great references in the field.

Lato Sensu course recognized by the Ministry of Education (MEC)

Contains 6 modules Total workload of 360h

Online lectures, live surgeries in person, and hands-on practical classes in person

Hands-on practice on live models and simulators

Mentors who are references in their fields




Concept, Practice & Immersive Environment


The training is theoretical and practical in order to get to know the workings and components of the technological platform to be used in surgery.

All face-to-face training will involve the use of:

  • Simulation center and in the operating room, focusing on normal operation and problem solving.
  • Complementary pre-clinical training that will involve the development of motor skills based on simulation of the surgical techniques that are the focus of the training.
  • Surgical techniques will also be combined with the observation of surgical cases, giving the student experience as an assistant in procedures, as well as carrying out procedures in training and under supervision.
  • All these steps will be overseen by a preceptor surgeon with extensive practical experience and consolidated knowledge in the technical area being trained.

Classes will take place as follows:

  • EAD lectures given by leading professionals in the field, presentation of live surgeries and discussion of clinical cases.
  • Practical training on living and inanimate models.
  • Observational internship, which provides experience with the real routine of the Minimally Invasive Surgery service.
Hybrid Module Activity Day of the week Schedule Type Daily
Module Total


Theoretical Classes 2nd to 4th 19:00 a 22:00 Online 3 9 9 36
Live Surgeries 8:00 a 18:00 In person 10 10 10 40
Hands-on practical classes Saturday and Sunday 8:00 a 18:00 In person 10 20 20 80
Analysis and Evaluation of Recorded Surgeries Free free Online 9 9 9 36
Entrepreneurship and Medical Career Management Module Theoretical Classes To be determined to be determined Online To be determined To be determined 52 52
Supervised Internship Surgery follow-up 2nd to 6th 8:00 a 17:00 In person 8 40 80 80
Complementary Activities Reading Articles, Case Studies and Recorded Surgeries Free free Online Free Free 9 36



6 months duration

Total workload of 360 hours, divided into 280 hours of theoretical and practical activities and 80 hours of supervised internship.

4 hybrid modules of 57h/y each

Face-to-face workload

10h/a of live surgery
20h/a of hands-on practice

Online workload

9h/a of live theoretical classes
9h of analysis/evaluation of advanced surgeries
9h of reading articles and studying cases

Supervised internship

80 hours of observational internship with the course coordinators

Entrepreneurship and medical career management

With a workload of 52 hours, the subject is taught entirely online




Módulo 1 | Conceitos Básicos em Parede Abdominal

7 a 9 de abril – Aulas teóricas online
11 a 13 de abril – Aulas práticas na Scolla em Curitiba/PR

- History of hernia surgery
- Anatomy of the abdominal wall
- Anatomy of the inguinal region
- International guidelines and classifications of inguinal hernias
- General classification/division of abdominal wall hernias
- Diagnosis and indication for inguinal hernia surgery
- Open techniques for correcting inguinal hernias
- Femoral hernia and other occult hernias
- Inguino-crural hernia in the emergency room
- Inguinoscrotal hernia and large direct hernia
- Chronic pain after inguinal herniorrhaphy
- Sports hernia
- PTE and TAPP in inguinoscrotal hernia
- E-tep in inguinocrural hernias
- Robotic surgery for inguinal hernias

Módulo 2 | Cirurgia de hérnia para o cirurgião geral

19 a 21 de maio – Aulas teóricas online
23 a 25 de maio – Aulas práticas na Scolla em Curitiba/PR

- Sports hernia
- How do I choose a mesh?
- Types of fixation for the mesh
- Biological and absorbable mesh: does it make sense?
- Hernias in the pediatric population - an overview
- Planning: how to reduce the chances of complications in my surgery
- Planning: imaging tests
- Progressive pneumoperitoneum, how to do it?
- Botulinum toxin in abdominal wall hernia repair
- Prevention of abdominal wall hernias (prophylactic mesh ... laparotomy closure)
- Umbilical and epigastric hernia: treatment options
- Spigelian, flank, suprapubic and subxiphoid hernias: what now?
- Incisional hernias
- Lumbar hernias

Módulo 3 | Hérnia Inguinal

30 de junho a 02 de julho – Aulas teóricas online
4 a 5 de julho de 2025 – Piracicaba – SP (curso pré-congresso ao CBH 2025)

- Open Techniques: Anatomical Repairs with and without Mesh
- Hernia sac transposition (Alcino Lázaro technique)
- Separation of components - anterior
- Component separation
- Ventral hernia, which minimally invasive techniques can I recommend?
- Ipum, ipum plus
- Ventral tapp
- Etep and Retep
- Tarup
- Tarm
- Tar
- Lira

Módulo 4 | Situações especiais em defeitos da parede abdominal

11 a 13 de agosto – Aulas teóricas online
15 a 17 de agosto – Aulas práticas na Scolla em Curitiba/PR

- Milos and emilos
- Hiatus hernia (GERD)
- Diaphragmatic hernia - Morgagni and Bochdalek
- Treatment of parastomal hernias
- How to form a wall hernia center
- The role of the multidisciplinary team
- Radiology, artificial intelligence, robotics in the treatment of hernias
- Anesthesia in hernias
- Hernia research
- Importance of follow-up

Módulo 5 | Estágio presencial supervisionado

Supervised internships are compulsory activities in which students are immersed in the routine of the surgical services in which the course coordinators and teachers work.

Módulo 6 | Empreendedorismo e gestão da carreira médica

This 100% online module aims to guide the career thinking of medical professionals in order to lay the foundations for career planning and entrepreneurship using design and planning tools with the structuring of scenarios and possible outcomes.


75% class attendance

Concept "C" in the general evaluation

Student Profile

Medical residents and general surgeons with proven experience in hernia surgery.

Fully trained hernia surgeons.


Mentoring with the biggest names in the field

Practical and intensive training on simulators, live and cadaveric models

Exclusive theoretical content

Program focused on exchanging scientific experiences with mentors

Realistic simulation in an experimental operating room

Extensive exposure to real surgical routine


Sou o Ludgero Feitosa do Piauí, estou no curso de Pós-Graduação de Cirurgia Laparoscópica de Hérnia e Robótica e o curso vem proporcionando bastante conhecimento, tanto da parte teórica quanto da parte prática aqui na sede da Scolla, além de a gente ter a possibilidade de acompanhar as cirurgias ao vivo tanto robótica quanto laparoscopica e dizer que o curso vem agregando bastante informação, bastante conhecimento pra gente e essa parte da prática que vai ser essencial para podermos levar aos nossos pacientes uma cirurgia de excelencia com cada vez mais melhorias.

Dr. Ludgero Feitosa

General Surgeon of Floriano - PI

Sou o Doutor Álvaro Ariel, estou fazendo o curso de cirurgia minimamente invasiva da parede abdominal com especialidade em hérnias e gostei muito do curso, na parte do laboratório os professores são muito bons e explicam o passo a passo da técnica, tanto as aulas práticas quanto teóricas são também de muita qualidade.

Dr. Álvaro Ariel

General Surgeon of Cochabamba - BO

Olá, sou Emanoel Rios, cirurgião de Manaus, estou fazendo a Pós-Graduação de Hérnia Minimamente Invasiva e Robótica aqui com o grupo Scolla. É uma pós-graduação que eu estava esperando, que até o momento está sendo bem aproveitada tanto nas partes práticas nos hospitais acompanhando as cirurgias quanto na parte prática aqui no laboratório, estou muito satisfieto com a Pós-Graduação, é uma Pós-Graduação que vale a pena e está sendo muito aproveitada e recomendaria qualquer cirurgião que vá operar hérnia, é uma pós-graduação que realmente vale a pena, traz novos conhecimentos, fizemos as práticas e inclusive fomos a Salvador como uma ampliação das práticas e até o momento está sendo muito bem aproveitada

Dr. Emanoel Rios

General Surgeon in Manaus - AM


R$ 4.900,00 (no ato da inscrição) +
13 parcelas de R$ 4.900,00

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